Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Home Management Binder

I finally started creating my HMB today and you will not believe what convinced me that I really needed one. Well, I have had a very difficult time establishing a routine since my homeschool days have ended. With kids home my days were pretty much planned for me. Now that I have an empty nest, some days I feel like I'm going in circles wondering what exactly I should be doing next. I would start one thing only to get distracted by something else and all in all not always accomplishing a lot. Occasionally, I substitute for the local school district. One day I was subbing in a special education classroom. The students had notebooks with pictures showing what they were supposed to be doing throughout the day. They were not allowed to turn the page and look ahead until they had completed what was pictured on the page they were on. As I watched how well this helped them to stay on task and complete their work, I thought, this is exactly what I need! This is why I need a HMB. So, after much procrastination and reading about many of yours, I finally dove in. Actually, breaks it down into such simple steps I decided I actually can do it. Today, I got out the binder, put a pretty picture in the front and notebook paper inside. I'm on my way...


  1. oh sounds like fun. I will have to check out that site.
    I also love the PACS boards in special ed classrooms with the velco pictures they can take on and off. Is that what you were referring to? It sounds like a similar system. Funny how a lot of the things done in those classrooms can help regular ed kids (and us) just as much!

  2. This particular class did not use the PACS board, but, yes it's basically the same. These kids were older elementary students and so each one had their own notebook at their chair and their own schedule.

  3. Wow, great idea! That'd be a neat thing for me to do for the girls for their morning (before school) routine and after school routine! I'm glad you posted this!

    Can't imagine, in the midst of mothering small children, what it must be like to have an empty nest! There's still plenty to do but no little people's schedules to force the organization!
