Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tips For Next Thanksgiving

Okay, my busy, frantic, Thanksgiving morning, was my own fault. For one, I am the worlds worst procrastinator. Secondly, my daughter decided to paint my kitchen the night before Thanksgiving. Well, that would have been fine if I had not procrastinated until the last minute to start my baking. So, we were up really late and I'm getting too old for that. Thirdly, a lot of my recipes are just in my head, so, it was easier for me to do most of the cooking, than to try to tell anyone else how to cook them, while I was trying to cook something else myself. It might sound like things were too crazy to be enjoyable, but that's not really true. I'm not complaining. I had a great Thanksgiving and really do love all the work that goes with the preparations. But, I did get an idea that I think will be helpful for next year, to make things a little easier (besides not procrastinating to shop and get started). First, I should make sure every little dish has the recipe written down. Before we get started, place the recipe along with all of the ingredients that goes in it, in the pan that it needs to be baked in. This may sound like a really simple thing, but if you have people there trying to help who aren't familiar with your kitchen and recipes, this should make it a lot easier for them to help. Second, don't try to bake your pies and paint your kitchen at the same time.


  1. Oh, my! Painting your kitchen the night before? That is just too funny! But it is things like that, that make memories and that is the best part of these holidays!
    I think your idea of preparing all the dishes ahead of time along with the recipe is a terific idea! In fact, I do something very similar at my house at Christmas time! It definately makes things a lot easier!
    Glad you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving!

  2. Oh my... what a busy exciting time!
    Thank you for sharing!!

    Many Blessings~ Miss Jen
